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Any amount of foreign currency may be carried into and out of Botswana but an individual or family carrying an amount of money of at least ten thousand Pula in value must declare their possession to customs. There is no need to declare traveler’s checks.
Items for personal use, sporting or recreation can be imported by visitors duty free. A list of other duty-free items and their maximum amounts are given as follows: 2 L of wine, 1 L of other beverage, 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 g of pipe tobacco, 50 mL perfume and 250 mL toilet water. Further details are available at The Department of Customs and Excise website: http://www.finance.gov.bw/customs/index.htm.
Matters regarding importation of seeds, plants and similar items as well as domestic pets are subject to guidelines provided by Crop Production and Forestry Department and Animal Health and Production Department respectively. Importation of firearms, ammunition, boats, mokoro or other aquatic apparatus is prohibited except when accompanied by import permits from the appropriate government institutions. Lastly, temporary visitors may import vehicles duty free provided that their stay lasts not more than fourteen days.